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Writer's pictureMichael Elliott

One Roll, One Camera, One Location

A Love Affair With The Pentax 67 Begins...

I've been a tad quiet recently, due to a few things, but mainly work being hectic. Now I find myself at a slight loose end, I have a little more time to indulge my hobby and get back into some serious photography.

Since last time, I've acquired a Pentax 6x7, several Super-Takumar/Super-Multi-Coated Takumar/SMC Pentax 6x7 lenses, and a large stash of (new and original) Acros. It feels like I've hit my groove and found my dream set up, so much so that I've actually shed a lot of my Pentacon 6 lenses (like the Biometar 80mm and the Sonnar 180mm - which I never thought would happen). A review will appear shortly, however, for now, enjoy some photos I took around Greenwich Park one evening while collecting conkers with my daughter.



  • Camera: Pentax 6x7 (MLU) with coupled metered prism

  • Lens: Super-Takumar 105mm f/2.4 (original 1969 version)

  • Film: Fujifilm Neopan Acros II shot at EI100

  • Developer: Kodak HC110 (dilution H, 15 minutes minimal agitation)

A black and white photograph of trees silhouetted against the setting sun.
They walk among us... trees silhouetted against the setting sun.

A photograph of some people walking down a path in Greenwich Park
The Super-Takumar 105mm f/2.4 (original) lens handles shooting into direct sunlight well, if filtered somewhat by the tree cover...

A gnarly old tree in Greenwich Park in black and white.
As old as the hills... and gnarly to boot. A little too skimpy on the depth of focus here, but the main part of the tree is in full focus.

A photograph of light filtering onto the leaf fall on the path in Greenwich Park with a chestnut in highlight
Not what I was looking for... a real chestnut, rather than the more sought after (by children, anyway) conkers!

A black and white photograph of a tree in harsh sidelight in Greenwich Park.
I like the way this tree's foliage follows the diagonal of the path, and the way the light fell on it.

A black and white photograph of people sat at the top of One Tree Hill  in Greenwich Park looking out to the Shard in the far distance.
One Tree Hill - a favourite lookout point for locals and tourists alike in Greenwich Park.

A black and white photograph of the Motherstone Fountain in Greenwich Park
The Motherstone Fountain, once a drinking fountain fed by a spring far below, but the cup that once hung there for public use was removed because the old lead piping was unsafe.

A black and white photograph of a tree with what appears to be an eye in Greenwich Park.
Eye of Sauron... the trees are watching you!

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All photographs are Copyright (c) 2024 by Michael Elliott. All rights reserved.

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